Tonight we are heading to her first wrestling match. Yikes. I hope all goes well since it is an away match. To get her in the cheering mood, she wore her Mariner's cheerleading uniform. So cute!
I don't think I ever mentioned the exciting news from the doctor on Monday. She weighed in at 12 lbs. 15 oz. She gained a pound in 10 days! (See what going to my parents can do to you? All that good Thanksgiving influence.) Anyway, she is 40% for weight and 75% in height. No wonder those 3 month jammies just aren't fitting any more.
Libby is slowly starting to sit on her own--if you put her upright she slowly descends to the right, left, or like in this picture, to the front. She is getting there...
This is a gift from her uncle Dave that she is starting to really appreciate. The pig vibrates and sings when you push on the nose. She hasn't figured that part out yet, but she loves it when the pig grooves!
Well it is that time of year, not the holiday season...wrestling season. Libby is all ready to be a super fan for the Shorewood HS Thunderbird wrestling team--since her daddy and uncle are the assistant coaches.
Tonight Libby ate a delicious dinner that included 3 meds! Turns out she has an ear infection in one side. So, she had her zantec, gripe water, and the biggest syringe is amoxicillan (sp?). It smells awful! She wasn't a huge fan. 13 doses to go. (BTW, she weighed in at 11 lbs. 15 oz. today!)
She really is packing it on. We are so proud of our little chub! She is now in the 25% percentile. When we started this whole process, she wasn't even on the chart, so she has come a long way.
As some of you already know, my mom gave me the name Tricia, because she thought it would look cute on a cheerleading sweater. Well, I was never a cheerleader, and thankfully she still loves me. We are starting out Libby early though, so she can fulfill Grandma's dream. (This is extra cute because my parents called me Elmo before I was born.)
We didn't get a picture last night during the election night celebration, but Libby was present to see Aunt Maren winning her first election. She wore her Maren Norton for Shoreline School Board onsie and her converse high tops :)