Life & Times of 5 Busy Nortons

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Oh Crap!

Today was one "crappy" day. I left Libby alone in the bath tub for a few moments to find a log floating in the water with her. Just one more reason to never leave your child unattended in the tub.

The other "crap" is one of the funniest things I have heard Libby say. I gave her a cup of juice, not a sippy, but a big girl cup. I was standing in the kitchen while she was eating and I heard her saying, "oh crap, oh crap, oh crap, I spilled it."

Oh my. She is her mother's daughter.

Peek-a-Boo Sarah!

Here is Sarah playing her new favorite game. Anytime she gets any kind of blanket, cloth, or towel, this is what she immediately starts doing.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Health Nut

For someone who really tries to be healthy, it seems like I certainly have unhealthy kids.

Sarah had an ear infection before we went to Utah. I went to the emergency room with her because she also had a killer cough, and we weren't going to be able to get into the doctor before we wanted to leave on Thurs. Besides, I figured that I was going to be up all night anyway, why not go to the emergency room and get the meds I knew she needed right away. (Oh, maybe because my copay is 10 times more for the emergency room, but with a screaming baby in the middle of the night, that doesn't seem to matter as much.) Turns out she had bronchitis and an ear infection. I was glad I went to the ER because they gave her a vapor treatment. So we got some meds for each problem. But, by the 6th day on the anti-biotic, I could tell her ears were still bothering her. So we went to the doc in Utah and got a stronger med. The stronger med kicked the ear infection, but now she has a horrible rash. That was a long post to explain this cute naked baby picture while we were giving her little bottom some air time.

The other health problem of the week could be really serious, but it isn't. Libby appears to have chicken pox. I say appears, because she had the vaccine several months ago. So she has the spots, but they don't seem to bother her. (She was upset about something else in the picture--going to bed I think). But she is contagious (so the internet says) so we stayed home today. I just hope and pray that she didn't give them to anyone else--and especially not to SARAH!!!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Trip Pics

I seriously missed taking pictures of so many fun things because the motto of the trip for me was laziness. I just couldn't be bothered to take out the camera. But here are a few shots that I did get. I took no pictures of Sarah...or pictures of me with my friends. I am such a lame duck! Libby watching either Robinhood or Mary Poppins--her two new favorites.
Libby riding with Grandpa on the tractor. She loves the tractor. She would run out and get up on it by herself and pretend to drive.

Libby loved the dogs. She would say "Porshe!" "Cooper!" All the time. She also loved eating their food. It is possible that on some days she ate more dog food than people food. "Yum!" She was heard to say while eating it.
Matching with Uncle Brian.

The Return Home

We spent an amazing week in Utah. It was so fun!! We saw lots of old friends and had some good times. Also, some less than good times. We didn't get to see as many friends as I wanted to because our AC went out on the van. Also I had to take Sarah to the doctor there (maybe I should make another post about her ear infections...) Anyway, it was overall a very relaxing and fun trip. We drove all the way home on Thursday. We got in about 11:30 pm and I walked in with that "I am so glad to be home!" feeling. Then I opened the fridge to put away the food from the cooler. Imagine my surprise when what greeted me was not a blast of cool air, but rather the stench of rotten food. I realized that I had unplugged the computer before I left--but unfortunately I had also unplugged the fridge because they are (WERE) plugged into the same power strip. So rather than spending yesterday blogging about my trip, I cleaned and bleached and cleaned the fridge. Then I shopped to replace the large amount of food that was ruined. Wow. But at least it wasn't because our fridge died...look on the bright side, right?
I am sitting next to the fridge now and I can barely smell it :) Unless I open it :(
I heard this morning about a product called fresh wave to get the smell out. Anyone tried it?

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Four Generations of Nortons

Well, we still didn't produce a son to make this picture the more traditional, but here are 4 generations of Nortons. I think we did this with Libby too, but I can't find the picture...Yesterday was Great-Grandpa Don's 94th birthday (I think?)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Bad Mommy Moments

Over the past couple of days I have had a few bad mommy moments. Maybe sharing them will help me feel less bad...
Libby loves to play outside. She doesn't mind being outside by herself (she seems to have a hoard of imaginary friends with her), but she wants the door to the kitchen wide open. This can be quite chilly for me, so I have been teaching her to knock at the door instead of keeping it open. On Monday she was out back, and I went out to do some work in the garage. I checked on her once and she was fine. Then Derek started up the lawnmower out front so I couldn't hear her anymore. When I went back to check the next time she was standing at the back door knocking and calling me and sobbing. Huge tears everywhere. I felt horrible!
Next bad mommy moment was yesterday when at 3:30 pm I realized that Sarah had been in the same diaper since 8:00 am. Yuck! No wonder she was getting grumpy!
Being a mommy certainly never has dull moments.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Libby's New Hat

This is a new favorite hat.

Sarah Rolls and Rolls!

Sarah can now roll both ways! This is big because not being able to get back to her back was causing some sleep trouble. Check her out!