Sarah had an ear infection before we went to Utah. I went to the emergency room with her because she also had a killer cough, and we weren't going to be able to get into the doctor before we wanted to leave on Thurs. Besides, I figured that I was going to be up all night anyway, why not go to the emergency room and get the meds I knew she needed right away. (Oh, maybe because my copay is 10 times more for the emergency room, but with a screaming baby in the middle of the night, that doesn't seem to matter as much.) Turns out she had bronchitis and an ear infection. I was glad I went to the ER because they gave her a vapor treatment. So we got some meds for each problem. But, by the 6th day on the anti-biotic, I could tell her ears were still bothering her. So we went to the doc in Utah and got a stronger med. The stronger med kicked the ear infection, but now she has a horrible rash. That was a long post to explain this cute naked baby picture while we were giving her little bottom some air time.

The other health problem of the week could be really serious, but it isn't. Libby appears to have chicken pox. I say appears, because she had the vaccine several months ago. So she has the spots, but they don't seem to bother her. (She was upset about something else in the picture--going to bed I think). But she is contagious (so the internet says) so we stayed home today. I just hope and pray that she didn't give them to anyone else--and especially not to SARAH!!!
Good ol chicken pox....I got them from you after the skating rink birthday party! Hope the rash/ears/pox clear up quickly!
Oh my gosh! Does Libby really have chicken pox? If so, you should get it verified by a Doctor so that she won't have to get the stupid chicken pox booster shot before entering kindergarten.
p.s. Shawn totally wants Mad to get the chicken pox, so we might come over. hahaha.
Could be measles?
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