Libby has entered the NAKED phase. She loves to be naked. Anytime I let her out of the house she is frolicing naked before I can even look out the window. I have decided to take a positive outlook. She is learning to take off her clothes (meaning she will eventually be able to remove them to go potty), and she is becoming more aware of when she goes potty since there isn't a diaper there. She really is a free spirit.
Life & Times of 5 Busy Nortons
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Sarah's First Tooth
Sarah has been such a good baby. She eats well, sleeps well, etc. But she has NOT been teething very least in the sense that she seems to be majorly teething, but not getting any teeth. She turns 1 in less than a month, she is starting to walk, and still no teeth. Finally this week, in my frustration with her obvious teeth induced agitation, I (actually Derek did this first I think) turned my finger up on her gums. WHOA! There was already a tooth through the gums. We didn't notice because not only did she get a top tooth first, she got a side tooth first. I inclded the diagram so you could see, she got a lateral incisor as her first tooth. How bizarre! The next tooth that is putting real pressure is the central incisor next to it. I guess now I realize why she was grumpy. It was actually a legit tooth pushing through her little sensitive gums.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Parental Error
I feel like I could make a post daily about my parental errors. This week I made the biggest one I have made in awhile. I tried to move my girls into one room. It was inspired by many things:
1. My desire to have a guest room for my parents visit next week.
2. My desire to NOT buy a second diaper genie, since Libby is not yet potty trained and Sarah's diapers are stinky!
3. My realization that they have fun playing together now during the day, and hence my conclusion that they might not mind being in the same room at night.
4. The reality that they wear basically the same clothing size so why try to decide what to put in whose dresser...
Anyway, BOY WAS I WRONG. They were both totally freaked out by the concept. I tried, I really tried to help them get comfortable and used to the idea. We even had a family home evening on it before bed. Everything that could have gone wrong did. (And somet things that shouldn't have gone wrong, like how I accidentally removed the heat vent cover with the bed and Libby stepped into the hole, getting blood all over from a small but painful cut on the foot!) Finally at 2:15 am I woke Derek up (5 minutes before his alarm anyway) and had him move Libby's toddler bed back to her room. She was instantly asleep. Guess the girl needs her own space. I decided that it didn't matter. I will let them have their own rooms as long as I can. But I still haven't recovered from the lack of sleep. Why is my body's new response to being tired not being able to sleep?
1. My desire to have a guest room for my parents visit next week.
2. My desire to NOT buy a second diaper genie, since Libby is not yet potty trained and Sarah's diapers are stinky!
3. My realization that they have fun playing together now during the day, and hence my conclusion that they might not mind being in the same room at night.
4. The reality that they wear basically the same clothing size so why try to decide what to put in whose dresser...
Anyway, BOY WAS I WRONG. They were both totally freaked out by the concept. I tried, I really tried to help them get comfortable and used to the idea. We even had a family home evening on it before bed. Everything that could have gone wrong did. (And somet things that shouldn't have gone wrong, like how I accidentally removed the heat vent cover with the bed and Libby stepped into the hole, getting blood all over from a small but painful cut on the foot!) Finally at 2:15 am I woke Derek up (5 minutes before his alarm anyway) and had him move Libby's toddler bed back to her room. She was instantly asleep. Guess the girl needs her own space. I decided that it didn't matter. I will let them have their own rooms as long as I can. But I still haven't recovered from the lack of sleep. Why is my body's new response to being tired not being able to sleep?
Showtime Sarah!
Sarah is now walking...a few timid steps at a time. It is so cute. She is so excited to start running after Libby.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Sunday Morning
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Home Grown Veggies
We did get a surprisingly good haul of tomatoes from our own plants this year. Sarah and Libby had fun playing with some of them. I am not sure how they got them since Libby isn't allowed into the garden---and she is always SO obedient.
This was also Sarah's first (or maybe second) unsupervised time outside with Libby. I did actually hear Libby saying, "No Sarah, don't eat that." a time or two. And Libby was right, she probably shouldn't have been eating what she was eating, as you can see from her face.

This was also Sarah's first (or maybe second) unsupervised time outside with Libby. I did actually hear Libby saying, "No Sarah, don't eat that." a time or two. And Libby was right, she probably shouldn't have been eating what she was eating, as you can see from her face.
Food Preservation
I guess it is genetic and a part of my religious heritage that I still feel a need to preserve food. If I get stewed tomatoes on sale, it is way more cost effective to just buy the cans than to buy the tomatoes and stew them myself. But for some reason I feel a need. So here is Libby helping to stew tomatoes. (BTW, she refuses to do any cooking without her apron on--thanks Grandma Debbi!)

Sunday, September 13, 2009
Having Fun
It is so fun to see my girls playing together! It is fun to see them playing in general, because that means they aren't whining for me to do something for them :) Here are some pics of recent adventures.
On our Sunday walk today. (Yes Libby still gets her binkie in the stroller and in bed. I am not yet ready to be weaned. Although Paige bbsat yesterday and put her down for a nap with out binkies and she did go to sleep...hmmmm.)

Here Derek was sitting across from the girls and they were copying him tipping their heads from side to side. By the time I got the camera Libby was remembering that she is two and should do the opposite of what anyone wants her to do...hence she is opposite of Sarah.

Libby crawled up under the space where the hot tub motor and pump still are. She wasn't very happy because she got stuck about 1/2 way in. She did manage to get unstuck just after I took the picture.
On our Sunday walk today. (Yes Libby still gets her binkie in the stroller and in bed. I am not yet ready to be weaned. Although Paige bbsat yesterday and put her down for a nap with out binkies and she did go to sleep...hmmmm.)
Here Derek was sitting across from the girls and they were copying him tipping their heads from side to side. By the time I got the camera Libby was remembering that she is two and should do the opposite of what anyone wants her to do...hence she is opposite of Sarah.
Libby crawled up under the space where the hot tub motor and pump still are. She wasn't very happy because she got stuck about 1/2 way in. She did manage to get unstuck just after I took the picture.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Watching my Mouth
Today Libby spilled tomato soup down her front while eating dinner (Derek had very cleverly removed her shirt before she started eating.) I handed her a napkin and as she started wiping she said "Oh my NASTY!" I say that?
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