For the Dec. 26th fun, we hit up Spin Alley. Not to brag or anything, but I killed it! Best bowler by far in our first game...and one hour was only enough for one game. Derek was starting in much better, so glad that game ended.
The 2nd part of our plan was to finally get that Chinese food--but all the places were closed. Then the Mexican place and Greek places were also closed. Thank goodness Ezell's was open. I was getting hangry (since the bowling alley kitchen wasn't open yet.) We ate the entire 2 lbs of strips in the car on the way home.
December 27th fun was having the Ware kids over. Ben, Noah, Sienna & Sarah had a blast. Then Derek took the kids to Avatar. I busied myself taking down Christmas (I refuse to go to 3 hour movies). Usually I don't take down Christmas until after New Years, but not getting to UT kinda sucked the wind out of my Christmas spirit. It's all down and it's Dec. 28th. Got a few loose ends to tie up--but ready to move into what is going to be an INSANELY BUSY January.