Life & Times of 5 Busy Nortons

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Yummy Shower

My friends Emily and Emmi threw me a baby shower. It was delicious, both literally and figuratively. They made and had the other girls make super yummy food. It was so nice to get together as girls. Then, the best part. Emmi doesn't like shower games, so the game they played was "Say What you Like About Trish". It was so sweet! One of the comments a few girls made was that they like reading my blog. Who knew! They like that I am honest and tell it like it really is--even when that means admitting I screwed up. As a collective they said so many nice things about me that I was kind of on cloud 9. This is a great game to play with a woman in the last few days of pregnancy. The sand seems a bit easier to slog through when you know that other women admire you. I love our little Mountlake Ward and the Nortons and JaNeece!

1 comment:

Janetta said...

Good job Emmi and Emily. Such a fun night and we all meant everything we said about you! You are amazing.

After I admitted I blog-stalk you at the shower, I guess now I won't be a lurker anymore :) Good luck on the 9th and make sure to call when you need something!
(dinner, help cleaning, chocolate...)