We had Ben's 2 month check and Libby's 4 year check this week. Here are the stats:
weight 29 lbs. 8 oz. 5 % --SHE IS ON THE CHART!
height 38" 10% --also ON THE CHART! Hooray!
her blood pressure was 84/58. I guess that is normal? They didn't say anything about it.
She was a real pill during her checkup, even calling our doctor stupid. She was angry because she wanted a checkup at the dentist not the doctor. Yes, you read correctly. She wanted to be at the dentist, because the dentist gives cookies after a checkup. (Job security I guess.)
This little stud is growing!
weight 11 lbs. 4 oz. 50%
height 23 3/4" 75%
head circ. 15 1/2" 45%
He got his shots and then basically slept all day. It was fabulous. As hard as it is to have a small baby, he is definitely making it pretty easy on me. He sleeps at least a 7 hour stretch every night. Amazing (knock on wood!)
I love being a mommy. There isn't a harder or more demanding job out there I don't think--or one with such eternal consequences!