Life & Times of 5 Busy Nortons

Friday, March 30, 2012


Libby sporting the Dora yard work gloves.  We got these as a housewarming gift and Libby insisted I dig through the costumes to find them so she could work outside.
This week the girls helped me in the yard.  They were actually kind of helpful.  I told them I would give them money in their Barbie rewards for each pine cone they picked up.  They filled a couple of small pots!  They had a good time out there.  I hope they end up liking yard work like I do (now--I hated it as a kid.)   
Sarah wore a pair of my gloves for a bit, but it was tricky.  She kept shoveling dirt onto my plants. 
Libby is SUPER into umbrellas.  When our friend Aubrey brought this one to the church on Tuesday night, Libby  asked if she could borrow it and has taken it everywhere with us.  I guess it is convenient for her that it rains A  LOT here.
Oh yeah, and once this March (or was it twice?) it snowed!  Here is Libby showing me all the snow she has been eating.  
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1 comment:

Sweet Utah said...

I can understand Libby's love for umbrellas. I used to love them, and I still kinda love to hear the sound of the rain hitting the top and rolling off.