Life & Times of 5 Busy Nortons

Sunday, November 9, 2014


Derek showed me a youtube video called "Conversations with my 4-year old."  In it, the "kid" wants a drink from "her" waterbottle.  The dad says, "Don't drink too much, you'll wet the bed."  The kid looks him right in the eye and says, "NO I WON'T."  I had this exact conversation with Ben on Friday night.  Exactly.  And, luckily, he didn't wet the bed.  Whew.  But about 3 times a day I watch him potty dance for at least an hour.  He refuses to admit that he has to go.  UGH.  So annoying.

Last night Libby asked me if Dad was smarter than I am.  Then she answered herself.  "Yes.  He is.  He is WAY smarter."  So much for my explanation of how we each have our own areas of strength.  She was having none of it.

Libby lost her glasses in her classroom this week.  I am sure they will probably turn up.  They were scratched and nasty anyway.  So, we went to Costco to order new ones.  After we ordered, we walked past the jewelry.  She stopped in her tracks and said,  "Mom, when I am getting married, you HAVE to give my husband (she whispered) a hint about where to go" as she pointed at the jewelry.  A couple of ladies overheard her and had a really good chuckle.

Sarah had a great week at school this week.  They started being able to earn their "self-manager" badge.  Which they earn by, of course, self managing.  Sarah is a pro at this.  So, she earned hers every day.  Way to go girl!

Every night we read one column from the Book of Mormon.  Usually Ben's melatonin kicks in about the time we start reading and he goes to bed. Last Sunday the kids watched the Living Scriptures "Lehi's Dream."  On Monday night Ben wanted to help read the Book of Mormon.  For his "reading" he retold parts of Lehi's dream, returning often to the part with the brown water.  It was SO adorable.  I am not a huge fan of Living Scriptures, but I love that Ben understood that he was learning stories from the Book of Mormon.

Remember last week how Libby spotted the Halloween costumes from Greek mythology?  Well yesterday I was singing one of the Bodystep songs from this release.  It says, "Make me your Aphrodite, make me your one and only."   Libby perked right up and said, "What did you say?  Did you say Aphrodite?"  I love love love that they have picked up on the mythology stuff.  The references are everywhere!
Ben and his Buddy Noah on Wednesday.  Wednesdays are Ben's favorite day of the week because it is his playdate with Noah.  They are adorable together!

I came into the room last night and the girls were reading to each other teacher style.  Sarah was showing us all the hand gestures they use while reading.  There is one to day "I know this book" and one to say "I hear a rhyme" and one to say something else that I forgot.  Sarah really has the concept of holding up the book and reading down!

Libby likes to read the book while it is facing her, then hold up to show the pictures.  I am not sure how Libby manages to read without her glasses, but she can do it.  And she will have to for 6-9 more days until her new glasses arrive.  

1 comment:

Debbi said...

Amazing kids. They're growing up!