When I started taking dance again last year, I felt pretty selfish. I am spending money just for my enjoyment. I am taking time away from my family. I am having to get babysitters to make my class possible about 50% of the time (at least).
But then I did the math and my class costs about as much as Derek's Husky football season tickets. Perfect. We each have our thing that we love. Depending on how my hip surgery goes, I might have to miss part of next year. But I plan to keep on dancing as long as I can!
We did an "Electric Light Parade" at the beginning of the show. This was my costume for that part of the night. I also got to take tickets. It was so fun to have the kids look at me and get all excited. I felt like a legit part of the show since I even had a costume change. |
When they started talking about doing a number will all the Disney Villanesses, and they were discussing what song to use, I said, it has to be Michael Jackson "Bad." So, I helped pick the song for our dance! |
Super thankful to all the friends and family who came out to support us. |
Ben was so fun when he came in and saw me in my Jessie outfit. He couldn't stop smiling and laughing. He loved the show. |
Madeline and I want video!!!!!
Taylor, we pick up our DVD later this summer. I'll try to remember to post!
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