After my PRPs helped some significant healing in my hip, and I still had lots of pain, my doctor referred me to another doc who specializes in nerve issues. She did a bunch of muscle testing on me and noticed some strange weaknesses that could correlate to nerve compression. She does a quick and simple nerve procedure called a hydrodissection. It's an injection that is mostly saline solution (a little cortisol) and COVERED BY INSURANCE. I didn't need crutches after or anything. They do the injection under ultrasound, so they can see the nerve. She could see some issues with each of the two nerves she injected. To get at the second nerve, she had to do 3 injections. I had a total of around 5 injections. It wasn't that painful, not like PRPs. But it did wipe me out for the day, which created a comedy of errors for the evening. My family and YW need some more planning if I'm not going to be there, haha. I went to bed at 7, and finally got to go to sleeping with a, everyone will figure everything out sigh, at like 7:45.
Anyway, this procedure opens up space around the nerve so it can do it's job. I'm supposed to feel better within two weeks. Do it? There is significantly more sensation in my left quad. It definitely helped something. But of course years of bad movement patterns are still with me. I'm scheduled to do another set of injections in December. So we will see. I think I'm making progress?
The doctor let me film her talking about my ultra sound so I could show my students since I'm teaching about the central nervous system this month.
If you're interested in seeing my nerves--it's kind of cool! Video Here (hopefully)
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