Life & Times of 5 Busy Nortons

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Lake Easton Camping Trip 2023

 I added the photos backward, so we'll work backward through a magical week of camping! I got in 2 more paddle boarding times (I still can't stand very well...but I got much better at kneeling & sitting.) That brings me to 5 times.  I just need one more to make my goal.  It does trigger headaches pretty intensely...but I just keep thinking if I do it more... Anyway, except for the headache I had on Friday and the one I have today, it was an awesome week.  I really do still love tent camping.  When the weather cooperates.  And it mostly did.  

This is a sure sign that things didn't end as well as they started.  RAIN! on the last morning.  So we had to go home and set up all the tents, chairs and tables so that they could dry out.  Ugh.  Worst. 

We also ended the trip with the annual Blue Angels airshow viewing party at Erin's house.  We had an amazing Mexican food lunch.  Yum! (This is Fat Albert, I didn't manage to get a pic of the Blue Angels this year--but they buzzed right over us a few times.  They jump scared me at least 2x.) 

Cleaning up in the rain.  

More rain.  It really was mostly a light-ish drizzle.  But enough to be a real pain to clean up. 

Ben & Jed had a great time hanging out together. 

We did some great bridge jumping.  I even jumped off! So fun.  The weather was perfect.  So warm that even I didn't mind getting wet, but not so hot that it was uncomfortable. 

Maren's kayak got a lot of good use. 

Ben & Jed took Grammy out in the kayak when Grammy & Grandpa came up for an afternoon.  

There was also some rock jumping off--I didn't get to go over for that, not enough kayak/paddle board space. 

We brought Libby's boyfriend Andrew, and he was so great.  He was super helpful and fun to have around.  Libby was also on cloud 9 to have him there. 

I got to drive the kid shuttle back from the lake.  The beach is about a mile from the campground, so we drove over and back with all our floaties and food. 

Campfire nights.  Burn ban meant that we had to use propane fires, but it was pretty nice to just turn on and off fire when you wanted it, and no smoke smell. (Although that is one of my favorite parts of camping--I didn't really miss it as much as I thought I would.  It worked great for tin foil dinners--and even for marshmallows.) 

Ben brought the guitar and serenaded us one night. 


Sarah and Carter got along great--having some good chats out in the floaties. 

More kayak time.

I got in a nap one day waiting for everyone to be ready for the lake. 

Setting up camp.  We had a tent for me, Libby & Sarah, a tent for Ben & Jed, on for the Barretts, a hammock for Emma, a tent for Carter & Andrew, and one for Maren, Cara, Abigail & Rory.  Good thing we had a double site! It was right on the river trail. So lovely! 

The first night was excellent river play!  

My feet in the Yakima river. 

Off we go!  Ready to camp.  We were jammed into the van.  Next year I may need a cartop carrier! 

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