It was about this point in Libby's life that I started writing mournful posts about her various ailments. Now I am just used to the fact that as a parent, and especially a parent of two children, someone is always sick. I didn't even really complain when Sarah had diaper rash at her first dr. appointment ever. (As a new mom I clearly wasn't fully opening my eyes as I was changing her in the middle of the night.) The diaper rash continues to be a battle...but I shrug it off. All diaper changes are more fun if you put on three kinds of cream and desitin, right? She has had a few colds, whatev. BUT, NOW I AM COMPLAINING. We went in for her 6 month checkup after she had been up all night crying. SURE ENOUGH, EAR INFECTION. COME ON! She is starting about 6 months younger than Libby did. I am just praying it is going to be an isolated incident and that we won't have 6 straight weeks of ear infection after ear infection ending with tubes before she can even crawl. Yikes.
But she is way cute :) Even sick she kept on trying to play throught the pain. It was just when you would lay her down to sleep that she would holler.
We did manage to get her official stats:
Weight 15 lbs. 2 oz. 40%
Height 26" 50%
Head Circ 17" 75%
She is still growing! That is good news.
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