Life & Times of 5 Busy Nortons

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Trish's Dream Week! (I mean, not really but really.)

 I am 100% fired for not taking "before" pictures this week.  Because when you look at the after photos, you don't really get a good feel for what took place around here this week.  I do love organizing.  I mean I love it. 

But here's a summary.  Garage: mess to tidy (as close as it can get anyway.)

Cellar: mess to tidy.  (I did avoid one shelf of tools that I didn't want to deal with.  But I got rid of 8 cans of paint we don't need, and some other things we don't use anymore--and this is after I already got rid of my shoe box stash and some other things to make room for Libby's ceramics area.)

Attic: Huge overhaul.  Got rid of lots of stuff we were storing that didn't make sense anymore.  Acknowledging: It is hard to make decisions on some of this stuff.  I did a lot of pausing (physically and pausing my book) for some deep thinking. (Do I really need a t-shirt to prove that I did something? Kinda--but no--ultimately no. Will I do a better job of putting things away if bins aren't stacked 3 deep?  Hopefully yes.  Should I reorganize so stuff I use often is closer to the door?  Yes.  Are my knees wrecked from kneeling in here for 3 days?  Yes.  Should this be good enough for a few years?  Hopefully.  Do I love the Husky holiday decor right when I walk in? Yes.  Did I reward myself with a pool/nails afternoon when all of this organizing was done? Yes I did.)

This is such a first world privilege problem to be having to solve.  But I feel so happy to be blessed enough to have the problem and to have made the time this summer to tackle it.  And to have that behind me because teacher work days START. THIS. WEEK.    

Garage storage closet.  Looking so tidy!  Also got all camping stuff put away in (hopefully) a better sitch for next year.  The key to a garage clean up is "there's nothing to see here." 

Cellar: so much paint we didn't need.  Full disclosure there is one paint can left.  I ran out of paint hardener.  It's sitting the garage waiting for me to get that done this week.  Also the hazardous waste people are tomorrow.  So yeah, check back next week to make sure I got rid of the wallpaper stripper liquid. When I poured out the fabric softer I used to strip wall--paper the first few times I almost vomited.  So many hours and memories and yuck.  That was tough.) 

First view on attic entry.  Derek has a coworker that loves to give us holiday Husky stuff.  Sadly (?) the giant Husky snowman made of wood broke during the reorg and was laid to rest in the compost bin.

Found extra carpet and some rugs so knees won't be so upset with attic work in the future (also hoping it'll encourage me to go all the way in and put things away in the future.). Costume drawers/bins labeled and organized.  Stuff for my future grandkids stored in the least accessible areas since were a few years off.  (Note the empty bins--cause--you know, I'm a realist, they will get filled up.) We did send a box of costumes that no longer fit to Utah.  Enjoy cousins!  (I love that the girls wanted to keep the dance costumes though.  They are in those grandkid bins tucked back there.) 

Luggage. Right inside the attic.  (I also added the shelves so stuff isn't stacked and cascading.  It all has a place.) 

Frames and art organized and accessible.  Got rid of some stuff that I figured I would never hang.  May regret later.  Oh well. Smaller holiday bins. (Christmas has its own section that I didn't mess with. It all comes out at once, so why organize? 

I have been keeping dishes over the years for when the kids go off on their own.  So one thing I won't have to buy.  

Crafty things/decor/scrapbook. 

A closet that was full of things that I was too lazy to move into the attic.  Either went to DI (so many throw pillows that Buddy had been dying to sink his teeth into) or got into rightful bin in attic finally! 

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