Life & Times of 5 Busy Nortons

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Freestyle State 2024

 I made a facebook post about this one, but I want to make sure I put the pictures here to remember.  We didn't have many chances to compete in freestyle this year.  And we didn't even attend that many practices. So why I thought it would be a good idea to drive 1/2 way across the state the weekend after our Spring Break trip and without dad--I have no idea.  I do love a good road trip.  And I did think it was a good chance for Sarah to get some driving in.  I also do love watching the kids wrestle.  And win (of course.) 

In the end we did get a good road trip out of it.  We listened to super cringy and at the same time intersting audiobook (it was basically a musical with some terrible voices.) Sarah did put in about 1/2 hour of driving, but it wasn't very new driver friendly--(70 mph with the lower truck speed in the right lane gets tricky.) We got to play in the hotel pool.  We got to go to Target multiple times (there was one across from our hotel).  And the kids got to wrestle.  In the afternoon (ugh.)  Last year freestyle state was an AM start for everyone. This year all 3 of our kids were PM start.  So we waited around all morning.  Then went over and got a spot in the stands.  

Ben went 0-2, wrapping up before the girls even started (I think..It's been a few weeks now).  Then Libby lost her first in a close match. Then Sarah won her first match! It was awesome.  Took all 6 minutes.  But she did it! She's improved so much.  Then what felt like hours later, Libby got her next match.  We were getting pretty done.  And Libby lost.  Freestyle is just so different.  (And I think by then she didn't care and wanted to go home.) Sarah lost and then a few more hours later (it seemed) lost again.  I managed to purchase $200 in sweatshirts to commemorate the tournament.  And we hit the road.  We got home at midnight.  It was a long drive. 

Should we have done it?  I mean--it was so good to spend time together.  If Derek had been there, I'd say for sure!  But even with just the 4 of was fun to spend time together. 

I do love coaching my kids. 

My selfie face is the worst. I def need some coaching on this.  Haha. 

Sarah almost pinned her! 

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