Life & Times of 5 Busy Nortons

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Happy Mother's Day!

I hosted the Norton Mother's Day/Geneva & Alayne birthday again this year.  It was BEAUTIFUL outside, so I was glad we got to be in the backyard.  (I paid one of Libby's friends to do a bunch of yard work to help me out, and I did as much as I could as well.)  It looked as good as a PNW dog owning backyard can.  I also had it all set up to get my windows cleaned, but then the guy was sick.  So the windows were still covered with pollen and buddy goop.  But it was still a super fun afternoon.  Brion didn't feel well enough to get out of the car, but he got to have visitors drop by chat all afternoon. 

This was the crew!  Marc and Kaedi came up from Maple Valley, and Veronica Fehlberg and her husband Derek came from Portland.  We had some Japanese exchange students with us and they were wowed by the huge family.  

I loved the cards I got from my  kids.  Libby and Sarah both wrote me thank you cards in seminary (as a part of my lesson--so does that count? haha.) 

Libby had already made me a lemon juicer in ceramics.  So how fun was it that this was among the card options in seminary! 
Anyway, her note is very Libby:
"The card doesn't lie.  I love you mom and even though your not the best coach I still loved having you in my emotional corner."  Haha. 

Ben, so sweet.  He gave me flowers. 

Derek, I told him about 17 different things I wanted.  Then I kept changing my mind.  So he gave me--licorice.  The nice soft Australian kind.  And he let me organize the event.  Because it stresses me out when the men do it.  

Sarah gave me two cards.  I think this one they made as a part of YW lesson.  

Sarah's says:
Thanks a melon for all of the work you put into my life.  Now and then.  I love you so much and it's wonderful to know I'll always have someone in my corner.  Literally and figuratively. 
 Your airplane buddy, Sarah Norton 
I guess my coaching this year has been pretty impactful, since it showed up on both cards! 

Libby and the adorable lemon juicer.  She ceramics OBSESSED right now.  I love it. 

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