Life & Times of 5 Busy Nortons

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Roadtrip to Utah Day 1

We left on Wednesday Sept. 1 at about 6:30 am. A little later than we had hoped, but we were up late preparing the night before. On Tuesday I had about 4 or 5 visits from friends, visiting teachers, etc. So I got a little behind on my packing and cleaning.

My family once went on a legendary roadtrip...the "I...I...ohhhh." Roadtrip. I think we were going Salmon ID and one of my brothers had the runs. He would start to alert my parents that he needed to go, and then it would be too late. So we would stop, clean him up, and get back on the road.

Our trip wasn't quite that bad, but it wasn't good either. Sarah (who was wearing a diaper) was the first to cry that she needed to go potty. And she did! When I got her diaper off at the gas station she started going all over the floor. I got her on the potty to finish up and then cleaned up the gas station, myself, and put her in clean clothes. Then I went back to help Derek clean up the van because when I was jerking the diaper bag out I spilled an entire sippy of milk all over the place in the van. Not a great beginning. We were only about an hour from home.

Over the course of the day we stopped for Libby to go potty about 20 times. She kept freaking out and wanting to go on the side of the road. When we decided she was just faking, she ended up wetting her car seat a time or two. I think she was just tired of sitting and decided to let a little go at a time so that we would have to stop a bunch of times. We finally put her in a diaper, but it was a miserable few hours toward the end. This was her first potty trained road trip, and her first without the binkie. I really wanted to stop and buy a binkie. But I didn't give in. We made it!

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