Life & Times of 5 Busy Nortons

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Utah Trip, the rest

The rest of the Utah trip was low key, thank goodness, after all the fun and excitement of the first few days. We had a little birthday party for Sarah (her birthday isn't until OCT. but it was a chance to party with the Randall of the family). We had dinner with Bryn, Brian, Auntie Ray Ray, Grandma Debbi and Grandpa Kelly.
Libby had a hard time letting Sarah open her presents. Luckily there was a present for Libby too.

We also got haircuts from Auntie Ray Ray. I got some color too :)

The drive home was much better. We started earlier, and that helped. Derek and I also got an audio book which made the trip more entertaining. Sarah went tinkle in every potty when we stopped. Libby only got unreasonable a time or two and we made it in 16 hours. Whew.

1 comment:

MikeS said...

I love the miniature dancing ballerina and mini cheerleader centerpieces on the picnic table.