Life & Times of 5 Busy Nortons

Sunday, July 21, 2024

An Unexpected Salmon Trip & Remembering Uncle Jerry

 We got to Utah on Sunday and I dropped Sarah off at BYU for her camp on Monday.  I got to spend the day with my favorite mission companion. Ben loves spending time with her kids, so it was a win/win.  

Then Tuesday we did a Bubble day with cousins (love love love standing outside in the warm sun with my feet in the cool water.  I could have stayed all day.)

Then Wednesday we headed up to Salmon to celebrate the life of my Uncle Jerry.  He died suddenly on the same day that Derek's dad passed away at the age of 80.  He was a very unique guy.  Creative, inventive, fun, and yeah--strange.  But I LOVE his kids and I love being in Salmon.  I'm so glad we got to take Rachel's kids with us, because she loved Salmon even more than I do.

We (Ben and I) got a great Airbnb with Dave, the Cottle kids and my parents. We played at Myrna's house (kid paradise) with all the 2nd cousins until way too late both nights we were there.  If  I could have added anything to my busy summer, it would have been a Salmon trip--so while it was for a somber reason--it was super fun.  

Sarah had a great time at her writer's camp.  She spent a lot of the ride home writing.   

Bubble Day! 

Devin got a little too aggressive on the "court" and I had to bench him for a bit.  But he had a great day at the pool. He and Ben spent a bunch of time on the indoor diving boards.  No pics because I didn't want to leave the sun. 

I did pop in to get some pics of these cuties

Couldn't get them both looking...

James was struggling with his goggles.  So we developed a routine.  I'd hold them while he pulled his hair off his face.  Then he'd hold the google to his face while I pulled the strap over his head.  He'd go under like crazy for a bit.  Then he'd take a break and we'd put the goggles on together again.  It was fun to work together with him. 

Salmon time!  They are still in the process of a major remodel, but it's looking really nice. 

Train drivers! 

Boys on the train. 

Both boys fed the neighbor's horse. 

Randomly on the street in Salmon. 

Some of Jerry's beloved junk.  There was SO MUCH.  Before he was even in the ground Myrna and kids had already taken several dump runs. 

My favorite thing I found among the junk. 

Cousin time! 

Wes was giving us the tour of the property.  I love it up there so much.  It's beautiful.  (Also, got to hang out with my ex-boyfriend Spencer...he's the last one I dated before Derek.  He seems really happy--and I'm happy we both chose wisely to go our separate ways.) 

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