Life & Times of 5 Busy Nortons

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Randall Camping Trip 2024

On July 5th, Sarah, Ben, Uncle Davey and I headed to Hagerman ID to meet up with all of the Randalls for a camping extravaganza.  Everyone but Emily made it.  It was super fun.  (So much better than last year when we ended up not being able to camp due to tent trailer failure.)  We also paddled (and rode in rafts) to Blue Heart--a super cool spring in a cove off the Snake River (I think...).  It was incredible.  I paddled on my paddle board down river with Devin (Ben abandoned me and joined Sarah).  And then back up river by myself.  I was pretty proud of my rowing effort (and of Ben & Sarah's).  It was HOT--but the water felt awesome.  The water in Blue Heart was COLD!  Sarah did a 2 minute plunge.  Ben also got all in.  We ate awesome food (Nick used his portable smoker and my parents did Dutch Oven.)  We tested out our new tent and found out that it is really waterproof--even from sprinklers popping up under the tent itself.  Not a single leak.  I love the new tent (although I really miss the D door on our old one.)  Happy to get another chance to use it in a couple of weeks.


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