Life & Times of 5 Busy Nortons

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Center Circle 2024

 I love being involved in Center Circle Wrestling Camp.  This year we had over 20 SW Wrestlers participate.  (I should know the exact numbers, but I was over the store and not registration...)

I think we ended up with 280 wrestlers.  It was so fun! 

Ben's crew.  Two incoming freshmen and the others are going into 8th like Ben. 

SW girls!  We had 8 girls who ended up making it to camp.  Fun bunch!  

One of the SW dual teams.  Ben lost all his matches, but learned a lot. 

Laundry day!  We did about 140 loads.  I was SO thankful Clark came down to help.  Couldn't have done it without him. 

Haha.  Yes, I had to go get lunch at Safeway--and eat it while swapping loads. 

I helped keep score for most of the girls duals.  Super fun to see the girls wrestle.  Sarah won one (I think?--maybe more) and Libby lost her first 2 and then won the rest (she came in heavy and got bumped up to wrestle 122 lbers.  These two sisters proved to be pretty tough!) She took 2nd in the top/bottom comp and 1st in the takedown tournament. 

My store "security" team.  Haha.  Lots of SW kids spent their breaks hanging in the store.  Loved that. 

Sarah working the new technique. 

Libby drilling with her partner. 

Ben and Noah

Come and get it!  We sold most of our inventory, including several extra cases of Gatorade that we bought from Walmart.  We even made a bit of money on laundry this year if you don't count the laundry bags we didn't use this year that we can roll over the next year. 

Overall it was exhausting.  Up until after 11 (store closes at lights out--we sell a lot of late night snacks) and I was up at 5ish every day.  But I do love the job.  We take home part of the camp profits.  We did pretty well this year.  We gave counselors free snacks, laundry and pizza.  So that cut into profits.  But we like to keep our counselors happy so people want to work for our camp. 

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