Life & Times of 5 Busy Nortons

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Variety Show 2019

For several years the girls have been asking to be in the Variety Show at Meridian Park.  Previous years we had some false starts in trying to pull something together.  But it always came up at a busy time of year.  After last year, I promised them that they could do it this year.  Then, you know, life has been intense.  But I felt like I could keep my promise.  And I did.  (It was tough, but we made it!)
Libby was determined to sing Never Enough from Greatest Showman.  But the karaoke versions were not in a key that worked for her.  I had to ask around and figured out that I could buy a version of the song through Kennelly Keys that was in the key of C.  (I maybe could have done this myself online, but it was only $4.--although it made us late for dance one day to get it).
Our neighbor Brittain accompanied Libby.  We managed to get together a few times so she could practice.  He is insanely busy, so I'm so thankful that he made time for her!  Derek also worked with her a bunch to help with her breath control and really punching the lyrics.  I am proud of her because she did a good job handling a lot of coaching.

Sarah had the idea of doing the Pajama Time number.  I brushed her off at first.  But finally I listened to her idea, and it was perfect.  She and her friends worked on the choreography for quite a while one day.  Then I went down and helped them finalize it.  I was super proud of her idea, and her persistence in getting me to accept it.  This group had 3 or 4 rehearsals, which was pretty awesome considering how many were in the group.  We got most together for most rehearsals.  The final product turned out great.  Despite Ben's "stage fright" he did really well.  You couldn't tell that he had a care in the world!

I was in the teacher number.  It was pretty funny.  Especially funny was that we had "floss" or white strands to dance around with.  I had mine stuck in my bra so that I could pull it out later in the number.  It came loose and was trailing out under my dress.  Like a skinny piece of toilet paper stuck in my pants.  HA!
Gotta love it! I'm really glad that it's over though.

The hardest part about the whole thing was that we had to miss the MP Rhino last practice for the dress rehearsal.  Then the actual Variety Show was on the same night (and in the same building) as the Shorewood Shorecrest Match--also the Rhino Night scrimmage with Seattle Wrestling Club.  The scrimmage wasn't very well attended.  But the Shorewood Shorecrest match was INTENSE.  I'm so sad I missed it.  I got in there just in time to see Shorewood lose.  28 to 26.  The first time they have lost to Shorecrest in a long time.  Painful.  (We knew it would probably happen...they have 6 seniors.  We have 1 though, so next year...)

Anyway, I felt some sadness too, knowing that this is just the beginning.  Kids are going to be busy, and we will no longer be able to go to everyone's everything.  And that makes me feel a longing for the simpler days--when the kids had nothing going on.  Better to focus on how glad I am to have talented kids.  We will divide (when we have to) and conquer.

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