Life & Times of 5 Busy Nortons

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Utah Trip Day 4: The BIG GAME

Saturday I went to the gym with my mom in the morning and discovered Stella Athletics! I bought a bunch of clothes (but when I got home I realized that only some of the stuff made it in the bag. I was on a quest the rest of the weekend to get the other stuff. Silly stress.) But I love the clothes!

Then, off to the BYU-UW pre-game party at the Wood's house. Maryann was my favorite mission companinon and still one of my very best friends. We had a great time eating and chatting with them before heading off to the game.

Imagine my surprise when I sat down and heard, "Hi, Mrs. Norton." One of my students! We had a good time chatting during the game. The Huskies did not play up to their potential and they lost. It was rough. We went all that way to see them lose :( So sad!
We saw lots of friends at the game! Ellen McCall, the Fillmores, one of Derek's season ticket friends. It was certainly an experienc!

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