Life & Times of 5 Busy Nortons

Friday, July 31, 2015

Libby's Baptism Weekend Festivities

As soon as the Fillmores left, we moved into Baptism Festivities.  Randalls poured into town and filled up our house.  It was AMAZING to have so much family in town.
Here are the highlights of the trip--outside of the baptism (that gets its own post).

Libby LOVED cuddling with Auntie Rachel's belly.  We spent the weekend discussing their name choices.  Lots of people are down on the name DEXTER (mainly because of the serial killer show connection) so we were trying to weigh in on the side of GAVIN.  Now they are thinking of DEVIN, a combo name that is an actual name.  Either way, we are excited for Rachel's baby to be here already, in October that is.  

Libby was super excited about her gift from Uncle Davey.

Look who surprised Rachel?  It was the most stressed out I have ever been, since I was the only one who knew he was coming.  I couldn't blow it!  And, I managed to keep the secret.  Whew!  He walked into Red Robin and the only one happier than Rachel was me.  Then we proceeded to have a pretty rotten Red Robin experience.  But it was probably good they took so long, since it took awhile for Derek to bring him from the airport.  

Libby's birthday dessert request.  What she really wanted was pound cake.  Whip cream on the side.  So she didn't really even eat this I don't think.  Typical!

That night we went to the Aquasox game because we couldn't use Derek's free tickets for the Mariners on a Friday night.  It was a fun game.  But it got SUPER cold.  Who knew?  We forgot it could do that.  (It is back up to record high temps, btw).

The kids convinced everyone they could to buy them food.  This was a gift from Maren.  Disgusting dip n dots.  Then they spent most of the game rolling down the hill.  

Brad and Ray Ray enjoying the game.  

Libby demonstrating the "Stale French Fry" dance move.  We learned it from a pitcher.  Amazing.  

Almost the whole crew went onto the field to sing for the 7th inning stretch.  I couldn't get out there to capture a pic, but here they are coming back off the field.  

Some people had to work, and I loved this product placement moment.  

Sunday was the baptism--and Libby loved it.  But Monday was the day she had been waiting for!  She got her American Girl Doll and her ears pierced.  She named her doll Josie.  I love it!

Sarah held her hand while she got her ears pierced while everyone else took photos and video.  Libby got a little teared up.  I held her after and asked, "Was it worth it?"  she nodded an emphatic, yet tearful, yes!

After a lunch at Cafe Rio we went downtown to the Seattle Center.  My sis-in-law Bryn hadn't ever been to Seattle, so we wanted to show her a bit. But since she is 9 months pregnant, the Seattle Center seemed like a place where she could see things without too much walking.  And it was still a little too much walking.  But the kids played on the playground and in the fountain.  My kids loved the fountain.  James was still a little young to want such a powerful spray on him.  But he loved the water when the fountain wasn't spraying.  

Shaved ice and Ivar's ended a beautiful day and an amazing trip.  It is always so fun to have family visit.  And sad to see them go.

Ben was hilarious the whole trip.  My favorite quotes:

At Ivar's he wanted to ride home with Grandma.  This meant I had to switch car seats, so when he asked I just gave him a look that said, "NOOOOO!"  He responded to my silence, "I'll just take that as a YES."  And headed out after Grandma.

Just before that he was munching his fish and started crying.  I asked him what was wrong.  He said through the tears, "I forgot which hand my fish was in."

Earlier that day at the mall, I saw him throwing money into the fountain.  I commented that I wondered where he got the money from.  He came back and instantly said, "I stole all the money from your wallet to throw in the fountain.  Can I have some more?"

Our Besties

I think that Heavenly Father knew that in order for me to survive having children, I needed a best friend to see me through that phase of my life.
Insert Emmi.  Our first babies were due about a week a part.  Our 2nd and 3rds were a couple of months a part.  I  honestly couldn't have made it without her love, support, advice, and just awesome perspective.  I love her so much.  When they moved to Korea, I felt like I lost half of myself.  So happy they made time to come and see us on their first trip back to the US in 2 years.  

Auntie Jen became a part of our friend circle and being reunited was the best!

Libby and Reid--he has always been giant compared to Libby.  When they were getting in the car to leave he turned to her and said with loads of sincerity, "I really love you Libby."  

Gideon and Sarah--Sarah is actually bigger than Gideon!  He is much more adventurous than she is.  But they still have fun together.  

All 6, in age order.  Of course they have added one more, and may yet add one more.  I, on the other hand, am done.  How could I do it without her nearby?

Reid and Libby wearing their Cedar Way Eagle shirts that they made in Kindergarten.
It was really hard to see them go.  But thanks to technology, we can still keep in much as busy moms can!

Saturday, July 18, 2015

The Really Expensive Day, Worth Every Penny

Derek wanted to take us to Padilla bay, pronounced here in Washington like PadiLLa not PadiYa.  It is an estuary.  He gave the kids all kinds of science on the drive up.  Don't they all look so excited!
So far we are a month into summer, and we hadn't spent a day together as a family.  Not one.  When I came home from Utah the house was all a jumble because of the floor refinishing project.  And, we couldn't move it back until the baseboards were done.  I basically had 2 options.  Do the baseboards myself (with some help from Derek, maybe) or pay someone.  I decided to go the 2nd route.  After all, I have done baseboards several times.  They don't take that long.  Why not pay an hourly contractor and go have some fun on our first day off all together (and maybe our last, who knows)?  Here is why.  It is insanely expensive.  Especially for something you could have done yourself.  Lesson learned.  But, at the end of the day when Derek and I talked about it, we decided that the day had been pretty  much priceless.  The baseboards look perfect (that's what you pay for.)  We made some great memories, and learned something about one of our children...   
Walking down to the mud flat.
The tide was partially out, so we got to see a fair amount of mud.  And a zillion snails.  Here is where Sarah's panic started in.  She couldn't handle walking on the snails.  She just couldn't.  She totally freaked.  And I understood...I may have mentioned here that I have a fear of fish and other aquatic creatures touching me?  But I'm old enough to talk myself off the ledge and participate.  Not Sarah.  (Scroll down for a picture of her pouting on the beach).  
I carried her out to the water, past the obvious snails everywhere.  She lasted about 2 minutes.  Then once we saw a few crabs it was all over.  She didn't dare take a step.  I carried her back.  We spent the rest of the day on the beach while the others enjoyed the water and the sea life.  It was just about perfect for me.  
Dad pretending to eat a live crab. 
Sarah took lots of pictures while we were on the beach.   Here you see evidence of what I did while we were on the beach.  I had a great nap!  I woke up and the tide was in.  
Sarah pouting on the beach. 
Splashing up the eel grass.  
Leaving the beach.  It was an amazing place.  

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Festival Fun

Yesterday was the first Saturday in SO long that I didn't have to run from dawn til dusk.  I was pretty happy to just stay home and clean.  But the kids hadn't seen Derek for a couple of days and he texted to invite us to come and visit him at the festival he was working between regular shift and the Mariners game.  So, we went.  
It was the precinct picnic neighborhood cop event of some kind.  But the kids loved seeing daddy, eating free ice cream and popcorn, and getting free balloon animals.  Not bad for an afternoon!  Then we raced back up to Shoreline and hung out with some ward friends at a park for one of Ben's friends birthdays.  A great way to spend Saturday.

Proof that we were actually all together!

A Night at the Beach

Thursday night I taught my first yoga class to kids at the dance studio.  It was my daughters and their friend.  It was SO fun.  I loved it.  I can't wait to get my hip fixed and teach more yoga!  (I especially loved having Libby & Sarah in class.  In fact, I taught them about samskaras (or negative thought patterns) and today Libby suggested that if they both break through their samskaras for 2 straight weeks we should have a class party.  So they actually listened!
Anyway my in-laws watched Ben during class and suggested that after class we head to the Edmonds beach and watch ferries and eat fish and chips.  Sure beat my idea of coming home and eating scrambled eggs.
We had a great time with grammy and grandpa and cousin Ann.

The lighting here amazes me!  Love it!

The kids with their "collections."  I am such a mean mommy.  I made them leave them outside with the rock collections.  

Ben ate a fair amount of sand while he was "smelling things with his tongue out."  He also brought a whole bucket worth of sand into the car trapped in his shorts or somewhere.  Definitely had to vacuum it out the next day.  

BP Launch and a Sparkler Backfire

This post is really a public service announcement.  I had a fabulous time launching BODYPUMP 94 with the amazing Donna Call.    Afterward with did some little fireworks and had popsicles (you know, encouraging healthy eating habits...).  I learned a little lesson.  I have always lit sparklers one at a time.  You know, light one, then light the rest from the lit one?  Well, this time I thought it would be faster to light a whole bundle of them with a lighter.  At once.  Not a good idea.  2 bad things happened.  One, a large fireball torched my thumb.  AND, I would have considered this a worthwhile sacrifice had it worked.  BUT, all the sparklers somehow in their collective heat burned all the way out all at once in the initial burst that burnt my thumb.  So, people, don't get too excited about lighting your sparklers.  One at a time.  Save your thumbs and your sparklers.  (Don't get too concerned.  Thanks to my naturally protective thumbnail and a lot of ice water once we got home and I was totally fine in the morning--not true of the rest of my body.  BP 94 annihilated me.  I was sore for several days.  Wow.)

I love working with Donna because she is a choreography master.  And don't we look so cute?  We only coordinated the socks.  But everything else worked out perfectly!  I am, by the way, trying to look tough.  I just look somewhat confused.  Hmmm...

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

4 States in 13 Hours X2

It has been a busy couple of weeks.  It went a little something like this:
We spent the first few days after the dance recital and school ending by setting up the grand "summer plan."  This plan includes the kids' research projects, weekly trips to the library, swimming lessons, piano lessons, daily reading and math, etc.  (I almost typed meth there, that would have been a bad typo...).  Then I loaded up the kids, stopped in at my new hip specialist surgeon (extremely handsome btw), scheduled surgery and drove 1/2 way to Utah.  We slept in Ontario OR.  Let me tell you, don't choose to share the bed with Ben if you have a choice.  He is kind of a wild sleeper!  The next morning we got up and finished the drive, with a stop in Parma to see my cousin Stacey, her former dairy farm and her adorable kids.  Why did I not take a picture?  (This is a theme of this post, just warning).
Friday afternoon we arrived in Utah and went immediately to Chuck E. Cheese because my mom had a meeting at her house and we had to be out.  I don't mind this at all because it was a writers' workshop.  She is going to publish the book she is working on and use the proceeds to pay for my kids' college (my plan, not hers, but I plan to help her come around to this).  So I don't begrudge the time she is working on the book at all.  

The best part of Chuck E. Cheese revolved around the fact that my nephew James calls him "Suck E Cheese" and followed him around saying that.  Love it.  Also, steer VERY clear of Libby playing ski ball.  The balls are flying every which way.  And don't play when James is around either.  He tends to steal your balls when you aren't looking.  Everyone loved the evening.


On Saturday morning I flew back to Seattle and prepared for another road trip.  This time to my final yoga teacher training workshop at Breitenbush Hot Springs in Oregon.   I had been really looking forward to this chance to unwind, do lots of yoga (on my right side, not as much on my left hip), and be without my kids.  I was a little taken aback when I learned that the hot springs are "clothing-optional" and the food vegetarian (of course).  I had a hard time loving the whole experience since I had a sore throat and even randomly barfed one morning.  Turns out relaxing just isn't all that good for me.  But I passed!  I am an official 200 hour RYT.  I am teaching a 4 week class at the dance studio, but really I just have to wait until 6 weeks after Aug. 5th to put my knowledge to good use.

Here are a few things I learned about myself at Breitenbush.  I am totally unmotivated to take pictures if I can't instantly post them.  I only took 1 the whole time (and this isn't one of them, I stole this).  I hate being off the grid.  I am a slow paddleboarder.  I shouldn't jump off a rock outcrop into a lake wearing a "waterproof" watch that is 8 years old.  I should always travel with day and nyquil.  Cough drops can stop the coughing.  I love my TT buddies.  It was great to spend time with all of them.  Also, avoid handing your iPhone to someone standing in a river to take your picture (thankfully I learned this lesson with my phone safely in my cabin).      
I came home from Breitenbush after several hours in traffic, and packed to leave again.  I arranged my flight so I would get in nice and early to see the kids and make sure they were ready for the children's parade.  (Which I thought was in the afternoon and is actually in the evening.  Definitely could have taken a later flight.)  So, I had to stay up late doing laundry.  Since my niece Paige came home from her mission while I was gone, I coerced her into come down so I could hear about her experiences.  (This is another story entirely, and not mine to tell, but it is definitely an exceptional one.)  I arrived in Utah at 9:30 am.  Bleary eyed, and so excited to see my kids.  

I was less excited when I found out that Sarah had a mysterious swollen foot.  Thankfully she is very chill when injured.  We spent a couple of days trying to treat it like a swollen bug bite.  But it wasn't getting better (and it didn't itch, and she had bumped it on the dresser).  Back to instacare and it was more likely a jammed toe.  Lots of ice and ibu helped.  Libby told Grammy on the phone that it was our house that was the miracle.  As soon as we got home she was better.  But it put a bit of a damper on their time in Ut.  They didn't get to go to Lagoon (Magoon as Ben calls it.)  But Mimi (their new name for my mom because that is what my nephew James calls her) said Libby was really kind and helpful.  

Sarah got lots of piggy backs and scooter rides as we celebrated the 4th of July.  She didn't mind too much, except when she didn't get to go in the bouncy house.  Notice: I'm back with my kids and have internet and I'm taking pics again like my normal crazy self!
James and Ben getting excited for the Children's parade.  Which, by the way is more like an epic madhouse of kids on bikes and scooters and other non-motorized vehicles trying desperately to stay up and mobile while accidentally taking down others in the path.  Riding a bike is kind of hard anyway.  Add going slow and decorations and other darting kids and it is downright dangerous.  But, for the Pace's popsicle at the end, it is totally worth it.  I only ate part of Ben's this year, and he didn't get as mad.  

This was the intended mode of transportation.  What actually happened is that a cop came over and told Grandpa (papa) that there weren't motorized vehicles allowed this year.  Super bummer.  My dad spent a lot of time getting this thing up and running JUST for this.  And the rules didn't specifically say NO MOTORIZED VEHICLES.  So the cop asked if we had a plan B?  Oh yes, ME!  So I pulled the cart and my dad drove the tractor an alternative route so he could pull the cart home after the parade.  I bit my tongue for my husband's sake.  I really wanted to let that cop have it, but I realize it isn't his fault the organizers tried to be cute and sweet and not come right out and say what they meant.  

Luckily Libby had her own transport.  I only had to pull 3 out of the 4 kids (and it really wasn't that bad to pull, so no big deal really.)

Sarah with her brace.  The first doctor that my parents took her to gave her an ankle brace even though the problem was clearly a toe joint issue.  But we let her wear it so people would know that she was injured.  When I took her to the Dr. a second time (different place) they gave her a shoe thing.  Much more sensible.  And they weighed her.  69 lbs.  No wonder giving her piggybacks was starting to get so hard!

Last year the kids bailed after the parade.  This year they stayed for the concert.  Ben only lasted a few minutes, but Libby and Sarah stayed until the end and even watched the fireworks with me at 10:00 pm.  The band behind us is Eclipse 6. They are an a capella group that got together at USU.  Go Aggies.  

This year I skipped the 5K and the chuck wagon breakfast.  Too tired after all that partying and firework watching!  But of course we went to the parade.  My dad parked his truck where I could sit in the back with Sarah.  Ben and Libby brought us back loads of candy!  I love parades in Utah.  Only one dance team, but several good bands.  

Ben's favorite part of the parade.  

My cousin Shelley suprised us with a visit.  It was so fun!  I haven't seen her since Rachel's wedding when Ben was a newborn.  So sad I didn't shower that morning.  But it was great to see her!

We finished off the 4th with a BANG.  Literally.  But for the first time, no kids went running away screaming.  We all watched the whole show.  Bryn got this great pic.  James is trying to figure out how to cover his ears.  Covering his cheeks seemed to help with the noise, because he kept doing it.  
On Sunday I took Sarah to the 2nd doc, got a new treatment plan and moved forward.  We went to my parents' ward and rounded off the trip with some Daytona and Go Bling with Drea.  We made the drive home in record (with kids) time.  The kids were angels.  I only wish I would have fed them a little more (who knew they weren't snacking as much as I was) and warned them that Derek was going to be at work when we got home.  Some meltdowns erupted when they realized he wasn't home.  After a good night's sleep or 2 in their own beds, we are back on trackish.  Remember all that stuff about piano and gymnastics and math (not meth) and reading.  Yep, that is our summer.  Hopefully.  Wish us luck!