Life & Times of 5 Busy Nortons

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Can you spot the change? got it. The tube is now on the other side. Derek put her down with the sock off of the opposite hand. She managed to somehow pull the tube out. So, another trip to Children's so they could put in a new one. But two major items of good news. She is back to birthweight! And she took in about 3/4ths of her feeds today by bottle. :)


Taylor said...

Hurray. I am so glad/relieved that she is back to her birthweight.

Mike said...

Wow! She is a cutie. Mike was home for his sister's wedding so he showed me your blog page. Sorry you are having such trials with the new one. Hope everything is on the mend now and you can keep up. Our prayers are with you all. Love, Julie Washburn Mike's mom