Life & Times of 5 Busy Nortons

Thursday, July 30, 2009


Libby and Sarah had their well baby checks yesterday.

Some interesting stats:
Weight: 21 lbs. 5%
Height: 32" 8%
Head Circ: 17 3/4" 50%

Weight: 18 lbs. 14 oz. 50%
Height 27 3/4" 50%
Head Circ. 17 3/4" 75%

So they have the same size head. But other than that, Sarah is due to overtake Libby any day now in weight. It is hilarious. It was also interesting, Libby (who won't sit still for anything) sat still and was so good for her check up. She wasn't a fan of the shot of course, but as she was crying she said, "I have a tiger bandaid on my leg."


Laney said...

Wow, that's crazy how small Libby still is and how close they are in weight! Its fun to see those stats side by side. Both are so cute!

Lisa Merkley said...

I'll bet you start getting the question, "Are they twins?" really soon, if you haven't gotten it already!