Life & Times of 5 Busy Nortons

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Praying with Libby

I love listening to Libby talk. Here are some of my favorite things she has said lately...that we were watching "sleeping beautiful"; that the blow up lion is named "andrew" (where she got that?); that "Sarah is in the closet" (because she closed her in and now Sarah is crying).
Anyway, prayer with Libby is becoming so hilarious. I try not to laugh, honestly, but as my family can attest, I struggle not to laugh during prayer sometimes as it is.
Here are some of the things Libby has been praying for lately, and some of the interjections into her prayers:
Bless Jen (our good friend), and Skyler, and Jack (the boys I tutor), and Georgia, and Barbara (ladies from the childcare at where I work),
Thankful for daddy, and mommy, and sarah, and uncle davey, and mommy's hair, and daddy's hair,
"Go T-birds!" (The football team her uncle is helping to coach).
"Close your eyes...(to daddy...then she realized she could make it into a movie quote from Aladdin) AND JUMP!"
Anyway, it is so funny. She says things over and over in a loop, then finally throws in an amen. But she is learning to be thankful and prayerful. That is what counts, right?


Taylor said...

Wow. Good Job, Libby. Madeline refuses to pray. And often, if I suggest that I will pray, she says "no, please, no pray".

Debbi said...

You probably remember me saying that Cindy Upton prayed for all of my current and former boyfriends when she was about Libby's age.

Of course Libby's mom was the one that said, "Bless Mom and Dad in their church callings so they won't get any wrong numbers." Try not to laugh when that comes up.

Good times. Libby inherited some great verbal traits.