Life & Times of 5 Busy Nortons

Thursday, January 7, 2010


So I use this blog to keep track of new skills my girls learn. Then when I do their birthday photo book, I can go back through the blog to figure out what to put in their books. So, if it seems like I engage in serious bragging sometimes, I am, but it has a purpose :)
Sarah's new skills:
If you ask her she can point to and say: Nose, teeth, eye, and ear
She makes a whole heap of animal sounds.
She can now go DOWN stairs. Hooray. But she did have a little crash on the bleachers tonight. And I bumped her head when putting her into her crib too. Crash course kind of a day.

Libby's quote of the day:
"Mommy, you are being a pill....I am not freaking out."
I knew it was only a matter of time before I got that one back.


Laney said...

Um, I LOVE Libby's quote of the day! :)

Packer Family said...

lol! Caden told me the other day, "I'm sick of this!!!" hmmm I wonder where he picked that up from:)