Life & Times of 5 Busy Nortons

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Picture this

Libby, wearing only a diaper perched on the library step stool in the corner of the kitchen. She is holding the little brown leather hymn book and asking me to come listen to a story. What else could I do, it was so cute. So I sat down on the kitchen floor at Libby's feet and pulled Sarah in my lap. She gravely told us she was going to tell us a story, then admonished..."Now don't be silly guys! Don't be silly." (I did, actually keep a straight face...but after the 5th time she told us to stop being silly, I almost cracked.)
She finally "read" us the story. It started with Captain Hook, then wandered to Joseph Smith, with a lot of "So"s to start each part. It was hilarious.

I came out of the shower to discover Libby in the pantry. It looked like a cornmeal tornado had come through. Libby (aka the cornmeal tornado) was covered and so was the pantry, spilling out into the kitchen. I had never been so glad that Derek had come home early....

Until a few minutes after he got the cornmeal cleaned up when Libby came out saying "Daddy, I have POOP on my finger!" And you know what? She did. She had taken off her diaper and stuck her finger in to investigate. Luckily she didn't sit down anywhere before she ran to tell us about this cool substance. She also didn't eat any. Thank goodness for small miracles.

I had to bring Sarah home from church today in a diaper and jacket. I will spare you the long explanation as to how that happened, but will say that I realized she still doesn't hold back when she has no diaper on.

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