Life & Times of 5 Busy Nortons

Sunday, October 2, 2022

September Happenings...

We are now in Oct.  I can hardly believe it.  We are in the groove of school and seminary.  Libby drives me (M-Th) to seminary.  Wednesday I can leave her there, as there is someone who can drive her to school. The rest of the days I stay and she drives us to SW.  I get in my PT and scripture study.  It's actually pretty peaceful.  I take Buddy a couple of times around the park before I leave with Libby--so he gets a little walk in. So far the others have made up for it by taking him for afternoon walks. 
Sarah has zero period PE, so she gets up and gets herself off to the bus before I'm back.  It's so nice that she can do that.  Ben also gets himself up (way too early if you ask me, but he likes lots of time to snuggle Buddy and watch Fortnite videos while he eats breakfast.)
I have gotten to a pretty good place with my autistic student.  She went 7 straight days without a meltdown.  So I started to push her to do more work--then we had a few meltdowns.  But we got back to a pretty good place.  
Libby is almost done with the Driver's Ed class.  She has one more session and then she takes her final test.  I'll be really glad when that part is done.  She missed 2 in the first 2 weeks.  And if you miss 3, you have to pay again (and it is not cheap!).  YIKES!  But thankfully she's gotten into the habit of doing her homework early and making sure she doesn't fall asleep after school.  Now, just about 45 more hours of driving practice.  (She has 4 more drives with the driver's ed people too.). It's a lot of work to get your license these days.  
Here's Sarah in her WEB leader shirt (where everybody belongs).  She gets to help 6th graders--like with an orientation before school started.  And then also with Pride updates.  

The new fence went in this week. Buddy had gotten out a few times as our old fence was rotting and breaking down with his assistance.  And yes, it's a super long fence.  Thank goodness for OT and neighbors who chipped in. 

Libby taught a really fun YW lesson where we made armor of the components of the work of exaltation and salvation that protects us.  Then the leaders threw papers of possible distractions at them. 

Sarah with the sword she made. 

Another Husky victory! Sarah won the card AGAIN! 

Libby performed at a SW loss.  Rough game. But good dancing! 


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