Life & Times of 5 Busy Nortons

Sunday, April 13, 2008


Wow! So I knew this was going to be an intense weekend, but I had no idea how intense.
I had a BODYPUMP certification course that was Friday, Saturday, and Sunday--all day. Yikes. Tough stuff when I am not pregnant. But, I thought I would be ok...Then, a house we looked at on Thursday
had another offer come in on it on Friday. We decided to make an offer too! So after an exhausting day of pumping my muscles, we sat down with our agent and crafted an offer. Her letter about why we should get the house literally brought tears to my eyes. She is so great (Christie Quigley of Edmonds). Anyway--we finished the offer at about 10:45 on Friday night. Derek still had to get up for work at 2:00 am and I still had a BODYPUMP combo to learn for Saturday morning. Anyway, it was a rough night.
Saturday I BODYPUMPED again all day. When I got home, Derek was exhausted! 2 days of being mommy to our beautiful Libby isn't as easy as it looks on this blog! But, we were excited when about 8:30 pm Christie called to let us know that they accepted our offer! We are so close to being home owners it is crazy! We have an inspection hopefully on Wednesday to make sure that all is as it should be. (If you check out the link above, you will see that the house is amazing, very neat and organized. The strange thing out front is a little holding pen for the garbage cans, which is indicative of everything in the house.)
Today I finished the BODYPUMP certification--the whole time in shock that we have nearly bought a house--and PASSED! Now all I have to do is learn the rest of the routines and video myself (making no more than 3 errors in the choreography) and send it off before I get too big to do it!
For more on BODYPUMP, check out this link...
Anyway, life will go somewhat back to normal again tomorrow. Hooray!


Packer Family said...

I am so Happy for you guys!!!! I'm sad that you will be leaving the ward but so happy that you found a wonderful home for your family! Today in curch Libby was playing with Drake and I took some pics of them. If you have a cell phone I'll send them to you. Good luck with all the final house stuff!

Taylor said...

WOW! That is amazing. and the house looks awesome.

Sleepless In St. George said...

Yeah for your first house. I still miss our first house (although we would never fit in there now) Love the built in's in the family room!