Life & Times of 5 Busy Nortons

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Libby's Stats

Libby had her 1 year appt. today. Shots! Ouch. But they held off on the chicken pox immunization, since it is a live vaccine and I am pregnant. So only 3 shots.
Here are the stats:
Weight: 19 lbs. 2 oz. 20%
Height: 28 1/2 inches 30%
Head Circumfrence: 18 inches 70%

I guess she is headed more toward becoming a brainy girl than a basketball player or a heavy weight.

The doctor made a suggestion that for the health of her teeth we should wean from the binkie--and now would be easier and better than after the baby comes (especially if the new baby wants a binkie). She doesn't get it often during the day, just for sleeping mainly. I don't see how I can do it though! She won't sleep for at least 3 days I don't think. (So of course, neither will I...) It makes me want to cry to even think about it. Any advice from the seasoned moms out there? My gut tells me that her teeth will be okay until we get through January or so? Yikes!


Packer Family said...

I think your doctor is right, and you are right. I think her teeth will survive but the closer to two she gets the more attached she will be and the harder it will get. I've also heard of people snipping off a little of the binkie at a time until it is all gone. Good luck!

Megan said...

I think her teeth will be fine. My girls teeth are fine, I mean they will need braces but that is a genetic thing. :) They only got the binkie when they were in bed and when it was time, they were the ones to throw it away. Save yourself for now and keep the binkie! Good luck! I am begging my little one to take her binkie. She hates the thing and I can't take much more of me being her binkie! :)

Taylor said...

Not that i am a seasoned mother, but I think you should follow your instinct.

Lisa Merkley said...

Yup, it means about 3 days with no sleep, but it's worth it! No more buying new ones when they chew through them and no more screaming fits when it's time to go to sleep and they can't find it.

But having said that, I also don't think that waiting until January will have any permanent damage either. There are MANY kids who didn't wean from the binky until 18 months...mine being one of them!

Good luck!

Ray and Susan said...

This bit of advice from someone who's been there: Losing 3 nights of sleep will be cheaper than braces. She might do better than you think.

Nancy said...

This has nothing to do with binkies, but I just wanted to say hi! You have a cute blog, Trish!