Life & Times of 5 Busy Nortons

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Sarah Grows Up!

Sarah had her 4 month appointment this week. Here are her stats:

Weight: 13 lbs. 5 oz. 40% (she has been 40% pretty much her whole it is good she is staying about the same.)
Height: 25 inches! 70%! (No wonder she is outgrowing jammies like crazy!)
Head Circ: 16 3/8" 55% (Smarty :)

She learned a new skill this week. Rolling over. She just started trying on Friday, so I thought it would take her awhile to figure it out. Nope, she managed it Saturday evening. She is already trying it on the changing table. Sigh.


Lisa Merkley said...

So cute! It's hard to watch that and not contort your body while you are waiting for her to finally make it all the way over!!

My Sarah isn't rolling over yet, but she's got a little more fat to try and heft. She'll get there!

Packer Family said...

She's absolutley adorable!

Taylor said...

Congrats Sarah. Way to go! and libby mowing the lawn is super adorable.