Life & Times of 5 Busy Nortons

Monday, April 12, 2010

Potty Training Progress

Hooray! It is working! Day 1 was rough. Lots of accidents (I gave up on having Sarah do it too...I couldn't watch them both, or clean up after both). But day 2 was better, and today, day 3 was AMAZING! Until we had to go to the gym this evening. She had 2 accidents in the childcare there. But here at home she only had one accident today and it was in the bathroom as she was trying to get to the potty. Nights haven't been good. She has woken up super wet. So tonight I put "night-time panties" (Derek's suggestion to call it that--brilliant) on her (a pull-up). Right after I put the pull-up on her, she asked to go to the bathroom and wet in the potty! Hooray!


Taylor said...

Yeah! and you were bold to send LIbby in underwear to the gym. I made Madeline where a pullout out in public for the first few weeks. and she's still wearing a pullup at night.

Debbi said...

Wonder of wonders, miracle of miracles! Good for Libby and Mommy!

MikeS said...

Wait 'till you have boys to potty train.