Life & Times of 5 Busy Nortons

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Those Girls!

Libby and Sarah continue to delight me with their cute, fun personalities. Yesterday we went to the mall for some "grown up girl bonding time". We tried on bras at Victoria's Secret (and let me tell you, it is impossible to go up 2 cup sizes from a size 0-- sadly I am referring to me, not to them). We got our make-up done at the MAC counter (the girls love the sparkly lip gloss that tastes like cupcakes). And then we played at the play area and ate Mrs. Field's mini-cookies. Libby ate about 8. I couldn't believe it. Libby delighted and frightened the other parents by climbing onto the toys and then JUMPING and VAULTING herself off of them. She would sometimes throw her arms open wide and sing before jumping. It was hilarious. It was a great end to a week where I had a cold and still managed to teach 12 classes (meaning I didn't do ANYTHING else).
Here are some pics from the week.

Sarah was eating her breakfast with her head resting in her hand. It was so cute I had to take a picture. Then she kept wanting me to take pictures. I got about 15 of her posing and eating breakfast. So fun!
Libby has started wearing my shoes around on occasion. It is so funny to see her clomping around. She absolutely REFUSES to go outside without shoes. She FREAKS out if she is on the grass and a shoe accidentally falls off. I have come running thinking that someone was dying--only to find that her shoe has come off. I guess I deserve this. I also prefer to wear shoes--all the time. I also made it a punishment to walk barefoot from the car to the house when she took off her shoes in the car--so she is conditioned to think it is bad to be barefoot outside I guess. Oh well. At least she leaves her shoes on in the car most of the time now.

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