Life & Times of 5 Busy Nortons

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Pics of Ben

Right now Ben is driving me crazy because he is waking up to eat in the night more than he did as a newborn and then not wanting to eat during the day.  Grrr.  But I am determined to get him back on schedule this week by not feeding him in the night.  We will see how it goes.  He can now sit up a little on his own.  He can also go down for a nap and to bed at night on his own.  I just swaddle him up tightly so he can't pull out his binkie and he goes out.  He is absolutely adorable!
Sarah holding Ben, she gets a little nervous about it.

Ben holding his feet--one of his favorite things to do.  He LOVES having his diaper off because then he can even suck on his toes.  Yum!

Ben with Uncle Davey.  He enjoyed having his aunts and uncles around to play with him!

1 comment:

Sleepless In St. George said...

oh I miss that boy...wish you lived closer so I could love on him!