Life & Times of 5 Busy Nortons

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter. It was one of those Mom Wins that you need your kids are this age (or any age actually.) 
They were excited for our family traditions.  And Aunt Maren and I delivered :)

It wasn't raining for the egg hunt at Maren's!  Hooray!  They each got to find 44 eggs.  I think Andrew was a little overwhelmed with this ridiculous quantity.  

Then on Sunday, I got the kids up around 8 I think--after I walked Buddy and the Easter Bunny got set. (Also, it was nice that Libby gave the Easter bunny an assist by buying the candy ;)  I was stoked though, when I came up with the idea of getting them new laundry baskets as Easter baskets, and even more excited when I realized I could stuff them with balloons with gifts inside.  Kinda like eggs, but takes up way more space.  Haha. They appreciated by gesture.  
Also, they kept saying they were excited for the Legos the bunny usually brings.  And this year he brought 3 sets!  And, none of them were lost, because the bunny didn't open the individual Lego bags.  Instead he got these cute carrot shaped bags from the dollar store and just stuffed in the directions and the Lego bags.  

Libby said I really redeemed myself with the quantity and quality of the Reese's eggs. 

All the Lego sets were done before church except the big one. 
Church was lovely.  I was seriously worried about our choir numbers.  We hadn't practiced much.  But they sounded really quite good! (Angels with us.)  And Derek gave an awesome talk.  (He felt like he should give the one that he gave at the singles ward a few weeks ago to kick off Easter--and it was so great to wrap up the season with it too.)  So thankful for the gospel and the Savior in my life.

Somehow I didn't get a pic that Grandpa Brion made it for dinner.  Derek and co. had to hoist him in in his walker.  But we got him inside and he ate and then slept in a chair. 

Easter dinner was delish, and having Connor and Chunie join us was super fun for my kids.  Her rolls were also AWESOME. 

I think my kids were extra complimentary because they know if they aren't I'll just stop celebrating.  Haha.  But I'll take the compliments.  And it's good to know there are traditions they enjoy and maybe they'll carry on with their kids. 

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