Life & Times of 5 Busy Nortons

Friday, August 15, 2008


So on Wednesday night Libby's Aunt Emily was here visiting from Utah. I thought I saw the Libster take a step that night. But today, I actually saw it for sure! Apparently our little darling didn't want to walk until she could stand up on her own.
You may be asking, what inspired her to get up on her own and take 2 steps. Was it the loving and encouraging face of one of her parents? NO! It was--the toilet. I was getting into the shower, so she was playing in the bathroom. She stood up on her own from a squat and walked right over to bang on the lid.
I have to send a shout out to one of my roommates from college--Laney--who always insisted that I put the cover down. So thankfully, I learned a good habit and the cover was closed :) Libby just used the toilet like a drum and cruised over to the tub as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened.
My pregnant back would love to see her walking full time sooner rather than later!


Taylor said...

Wahoo! Way to go, Libby!

Laney said...

Hilarious - Did I make you put the cover down?? I totally don't remember that, but it is for sure a habit for me. I'm glad it worked out in helping Libby take some steps.