Life & Times of 5 Busy Nortons

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Sarah's First Tooth

Sarah has been such a good baby. She eats well, sleeps well, etc. But she has NOT been teething very least in the sense that she seems to be majorly teething, but not getting any teeth. She turns 1 in less than a month, she is starting to walk, and still no teeth. Finally this week, in my frustration with her obvious teeth induced agitation, I (actually Derek did this first I think) turned my finger up on her gums. WHOA! There was already a tooth through the gums. We didn't notice because not only did she get a top tooth first, she got a side tooth first. I inclded the diagram so you could see, she got a lateral incisor as her first tooth. How bizarre! The next tooth that is putting real pressure is the central incisor next to it. I guess now I realize why she was grumpy. It was actually a legit tooth pushing through her little sensitive gums.

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