Life & Times of 5 Busy Nortons

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Diaper Rash Beyond the Diapers

One reason I was so excited to potty train Libby (which, btw, worked for us! amazing!) was to end the diaper rash. Well, it turns out she still gets it. It is a little less obvious, but seriously painful. She refused to tinkle for about 15 hours, and was making us all crazy with her screaming. My doctors office finally recommended the ER so they could put in a catheder to relieve the pressure and test for a UTI. We got to the ER at Children's Hospital (major bad flashbacks for a minute). She said she needed to go, started crying and holding herself. The nurse brought me a cup so we could get a urine sample. I asked her if she would go in a cup. She said "no....yes!" So we went in the bathroom and boy did she let loose!!!! She could have filled 2 cups at least, but I didn't have 2, so she filled one and the bathroom floor. So, I guess just getting to the place where we have a 10 times higher copay helped her to let it go. In the end they perscribed hydrocortizone and the anti-fungal cream we already have. But, it was so cute to hear her say to the doctor, "Can you please help my bottom feel better!" So now, we don't wipe, we "pat, pat" and we put on diaper rash cream after she goes. Crazy business!


Taylor said...

ohhh! poor libby! Of course, she peed at the ER. That's how it always goes. When Mad broke her leg she wouldn't put any weight on it until we showed up to the ER to get it X-rayed. then she started running around.

Emily said...

Yay that she is potty trained, isn't it the best! I had to laugh because last year when we were at Children's ER for Caitlin's bladder infection she peed all over the bathroom floor too. Sorry you still deal with diaper rash, no fun.