Life & Times of 5 Busy Nortons

Sunday, October 18, 2015

An Unexpected Project...

I wasn't really crossing my fingers when I wrote that blog post last Sunday.  I wasn't.  I didn't really want to do another project.  When I went to get the guest room ready for our wedding guests to arrive on Thursday morning, everything was great.  Mopped floors, fluffed pillows, done.  Then I came back in later and discovered that the wallpaper was literally falling off the wall.  The longest wall.  AHHHHHH!  Slight panic.  Derek wanted me to just try to glue it back up.  But I can't just leave something like that.  I am a scab picker!  So, within a few minutes of the discovery, he heard me walk back in there and start ripping down the wallpaper.
Thankfully I had already decided to pay carpet cleaners, window cleaners and my amazing gardener.  I had gotten ahead in the decor and the cookies are made (just have to be frosted on Monday).  So, I had just over 24 hours to clean this wallpaper off, get the mold out, prime and paint.  
And this was what was behind it.  MOLD.  LOTS OF MOLD.  It is a really thick vinyl wallpaper, and behind that wall are 2 showers (ours and the kid bathroom).  Obviously some moisture was coming through and couldn't get out.  Trapped!  Until this Thursday when the wallpaper gave way.  Can I just say scrubbing mold off, least favorite job.  Maybe just above cleaning hair out of the bathroom drain.

It's not perfect, but it's done.  And, I already had this awesome color, that actually goes with the wallpaper.  If you didn't know, you'd just think it was a lovely accent wall.  And it is going to stay that way.  FOR. A. LONG. TIME.  


1 comment:

Mrs. B said...

I so need to come see this house!!!!!