Life & Times of 5 Busy Nortons

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Libby's First Temple Trip

It's hard to believe I have a daughter old enough to go the temple...but I do!  She's lucky too, because she doesn't have to wait for her 12th birthday either.  She had a beautiful baptism experience.  I was the one who struggled, since they ended up triple double booking the baptistry and starting an hour and a half late.  (I clearly  need to work on my patience, but this didn't feel like the day for it.  I woke up with a serious back issue...) Many thanks to the Sorenson's who brought her home so I could leave and get to the chiropractor before our Spring Break trip.  And many thanks to Grandpa Norton for finding Libby some family names to do.  Since there were so many youth there (not a bad problem) she still has one name left.  We'll have to make another trip soon! 

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