Life & Times of 5 Busy Nortons

Monday, November 24, 2008

Libby the Count

Libby is currently obsessed with Sesame Street. I didn't know I could create a TV addict so easily. The Count is her favorite character. She knows that if I say one, she should say two. She holds up one finger though, not two. Then she does the Count laugh. I love it. (Plus I love that I can finish my emails while she is entertained by the TV, as horrible as that is). My brother Brian captured this on video for your viewing enjoyment.


Packer Family said...

That's adorable!

Laney said...

Hysterical. I so love that she does the Count laugh.

Debbi said...

Randall kids all held up one finger when they were two, until they were three. Then two fingers until they were nearly four. I think most kids do. It's tough to develop finger coordination. But,Libby has comedic timing down cold. Let's hear it for the count! 1-2-3-4