Life & Times of 5 Busy Nortons

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Our Sunny Day

The worst news about Easter weekend was that Derek was out of town for the best weather day we have had in 6 months. I taught my two classes in the morning (water aerobics and Bodystep). I was tired, but I couldn't let the good weather go to waste! (Especially since the forecasters weren't even pretending it might last.) I came home and attacked the weeds in the front lawn and mowed front and back. I took the girls for a slurpee after that and got the brilliant idea of washing the car at a drive thru wash. Of course everyone else had that idea too. So I ended up at a do-it-yourself wash. When we got home I still had to cook dinner and clean up the house before Derek got home. I am still in pain from all of this work. What an idiot. (But we don't say that word in our house--so I will have to say what Sarah said today "b-idiot!" followed by "I didn't say idiot mom!") But the yard looks sweet, the girls had a BLAST playing outside and I will recover. (I hope sooner than later.)
My front flower bed. Sarah only managed to uproot one tulip. I never got any pics of my hyacinths because the girls beheaded them all :(

Libby figured out she could climb this little tree in our front yard. She only fell out once!


Nancy said...

Oh, my cousin Trish, where do you get your energy? You are amazing! The flowers are gorgeous. Sounds like you've got a good attitude about the beheaded ones.
The girls are adorable! Hope to see you at Rachel's wedding.

Myrna said...

This brought back memories when I had only two little girls. By the way, your top picture reminds me exactly of our house with the balcony boards. It brought back memories of the fashion show all you cousins put on. Do you remember?