Life & Times of 5 Busy Nortons

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Christmas!!!

What a wonderful 10 days we just had hosting the Randall Family (or at least 1/2 the siblings and the parents) for Christmas. It was so fun. Basically NO DRAMA! We did multiple nativities, had delicious clam chowder with the Nortons, made gingerbread houses, volunteered at the DI, painted a gazillion nativity figures (actually 48), watched the girls open present after present, ate tons of good food and junk, and just enjoyed each others' company. The girls had a great time. Today it took Libby a few hours before she asked, "Where are Grandma and Grandpa?" Then she was seriously bummed that they had gone home.
The girls got so many gifts I am still sorting out in my mind what came from who. I will start the thank you cards tomorrow.
Last night when I was laying with Libby and Sarah I asked them what their favorite gifts were. Barbie, Ken and the princesses got top billing (and that would be true based on what they played with today too.) But they will get a chance to enjoy everything! I am working on a slide show of pictures, but here are some favorites that Dave took.

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