Life & Times of 5 Busy Nortons

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Apple Cup

Thanks to Maren and Clark for letting me use the extra ticket, and Geneva and Brion for babysitting, I got to go to the APPLE Cup last night.  It was amazing!  I had always thought I didn't like watching live football.  Turns out I just didn't like watching it at Husky Stadium where it was crowded and just not a good atmosphere for watching.  Last nights' game was at Century Link Field (aka the "Clink").  It was the coolest!  I could actually pay attention to the game and follow the action.  I could hear what was going on.  It was seriously awesome.  I would go to every game at the Clink.  Oh yeah, except that I don't have time or money or enough babysitting.  But it was a fun night.  Especially because the Huskies won!!!  Derek had a picture of us together on his phone.  I will try to get it and add it.
The view from the "Clink"
PS.  A little trick for removing temporary tatoos, apply scotch tape and rip off.  Worked great for me.  (Although it hurt a bit).  NOT A GOOD TIP FOR LIBBY.  Her cheek is all red and hurty.  Boo.

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