Life & Times of 5 Busy Nortons

Sunday, June 1, 2008

We've Finally Moved!

So if you are familiar with the 7 Habits of Highly Effective people, you will understand when I say that for the last week I have been operating in "the urgent". I tried to plan ahead so I could still do the important things, like updating the blog, but in the madness of packing, painting, and moving (along with Body Pump launch prep and my MAD COLD) it was all I could do to survive. But, we made it! We got all our painting done before the new carpet went in. We moved in on schedule on Saturday.

I didn't even have time to take pictures while we were getting everything done. Sad, but true.

Our new house is so amazing. We can't believe it is ours. Libby is in absolute heaven. She has so much more space to crawl around. She loves going in to her room to play with her books and toys.

We went to our new ward today. I have never had so many people come up to us and say hi and seriously get to know us. It was amazing. Derek is being heavily recruited for choir.

Libby is cutting two more teeth. That makes a total of 6! She is also starting to try to let go while standing up. She can balance for a second or two. She is very good at high-5, clapping, and waving.

This will be another intense week as tomorrow we are going to do baseboards, shop for a washer and dryer (at a scratch and dent place....we haven't yet done our duty to "stimulate the economy"), and I am getting ready for the Body Pump launch the week at Harbor Square. Derek is heading off for California on Thursday for Adam Hansen's wedding. (Adam is the first member of our wedding party to get married! Crazy since we got married almost 5 years ago!)

Anyway, we are so excited to be in our new HOUSE. It is unbelievable but true!


Taylor said...

Your house was AWESOME. We are so jealous. and Libby is adorable. We definitely need to get together more often. I'll call when we get back from mexico.

Megan said...

That's so exciting!! Congrats! Post some pictures.