Life & Times of 5 Busy Nortons

Friday, October 3, 2008

Getting Ready for Baby

To help Libby get ready for baby, we bought her a baby doll last night. She can rock the baby, pat the baby, kiss the baby, and hug the baby. Unfortunately she likes drinking the baby's bottle, carrying the baby around by the neck, and pulling off the baby's clothes more than the gentle stuff so far.

PS. Pregnancy update: As of yesterday afternoon I was 2 1/2 cm dilated, 60% effaced and the baby is at -2. Hooray! I keep progressing.


Packer Family said...

Sounds like you will be having her soon! I did the same thing with Caden and the doll but I pretended it was a real baby for 2 weeks and then after Drake was born I gave it to Caden to play with. It worked really well, and it helped me show him a baby and how to be gentle because he didn't understand untill I got the doll. Good luck! I sure Libby will be a great big sissy!

Megan said...

I just got done watching your mom on a commercial! She is famous now and I must get her autograph! :) Too funny. I am glad Libby is getting ready for that baby. Looks like she is prepared. :) Good job to you on your prego progression. Keep it going! I was at a 5 when I finally went into labor. Hope it happens soon! Good Luck!