Life & Times of 5 Busy Nortons

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Libby's Toys

Libby has a real thing for making toys out of anything that isn't a toy. She had a blast with this metal mixing bowl on Sunday. She was walking around with it on her head, but we missed getting that on video.

Pregnancy update: I am now dilated to a 3 and 80% effaced. Lots of contractions throughout the day yesterday, but not strong enough or close enough to be the real thing. I am now convinced I will probably make it to my due date which is only 2 weeks away. Tonight we have our hospital tour, since we are having Sarah at a different hospital than we had Libby. Guess we will be ready after that...I also finished the major purchases for Sarah's room yesterday. I got a used rocking chair for $35.00 and a baby monitor.

1 comment:

Lisa Merkley said...

It's getting exciting! It's always a pain to wake up and wonder if today is going to be the day the baby comes...Hang in there!