Life & Times of 5 Busy Nortons

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Libby and Sarah

Libby continues to adore Sarah. Sarah has had more kisses from Libby than I can begin to count. She has also started "shhh-ing" when Sarah cries. Libby wants to help wipe her face when she spits up and help pat her when I am burping her. Libby also wants to suck on Sarah's binkie (lots more than Sarah does, it turns out). When I put Sarah down on the floor with Libby and I, Libby wants to either, wrap the blanket around Sarah (she has watched us swaddle her I guess) or pick her up. Needless to say, Sarah is usually on the counter or the table, well out of Libby range unless I am right there. It is tough parenting two! But Libby has made it super adorable!

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